Barry M’s New Cruelty-free Make-up Range That Funds Wildlife Conservation

Barry M’s WILDLIFE® collection launches with two, limited edition 9-shade eyeshadow palettes: ‘Tiger’ and ‘Snow Leopard’, supporting the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation.

The palette designs feature tiger and snow leopard artworks created by artist Emily Lamb, granddaughter of the charity’s founder, David Shepherd. The shades inside have been inspired by the two iconic cats – from the Himalayan blue of ‘Frost’ and the twilight grey of ‘Silent’ in the Snow Leopard palette, to the ‘Ferocious’ hot orange and green ‘Jungle’ of the Tiger palette.


WILDLIFE Cruelty Free Make-up from Barry M for David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation


Since their launch in 1982, Barry M has always been a passionately cruelty-free brand, campaigning for the end of cosmetic animal testing around the world. However, with the horrific and growing threat of global wildlife extinction, they’re now committed to do more – namely, to provide vital funding for those working to protect animals and nature around the world.

At least 20% of Barry M’s profits from all WILDLIFE® products will go to David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation.

Protecting WILDLIFE® Tigers
DSWF supports tiger conservation across Asia through funding key, ground-based project partners in Russia, Thailand and India. The organisation fights to protect the world’s last remaining wild populations in their natural habitat.

Through educational programmes involving creative arts in Russia, to anti-poaching dog squads in India, DSWF is committed to protecting these species and the communities who share their space. DSWF also fights for greater legal protection and calls for an end to all trade in tiger parts and derivatives.

Protecting WILDLIFE® Snow Leopards
DSWF supports field-based snow leopard protection and community engagement programmes in both Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. They not only provide support to both habitat expansion and protection, but also viable, sustainable, alternative livelihoods and micro-financing initiatives for rural herders and communities living in harmony with these elusive creatures.

Protecting WILDLIFE® Snow Leopards


How many times are images of animals used to sell things to make money for humans? The Shell tiger, the Jaguar cars’ jaguar, the SSE energy Orangutan, the Puma puma, the Penguin books’ Penguin, even Cadbury’s ‘Freddo the Chocolate Frog’ – the examples are endless.

And then there’s our ‘own’ world: beauty, where animal images and prints are continually used to sell designs and attract customers.

Once you start looking, you’ll find that animals and wildlife prints are some of the most popular images used in design, entertainment and commerce. Wildlife is a treasure of beauty, colour and stunning variety –  but what does this Wildlife – these inspirational animals – get in return?

Sometimes, the animals’ owners may receive payment. Animal photographers and film-makers will be given fees. Designers and artists will be paid for their work. But the creatures themselves – the subjects and inspiration for all this money-making work – what do they get?

The answer is – almost always – nothing.

If animals were celebrities, they’d have copyrighted and protected their images long ago so no one could use them without permission or payment for the privilege.

That’s why we believe ‘Wildlife’ should be trademarked:  WILDLIFE®

But tigers don’t have bank accounts? 

True. Animals don’t have much use for cash (they haven’t got pockets for a start – unless they’re marsupials!). What they do have, is a need for help and protection. Help and protection that money can bring. And of course, funds are now desperately needed by environmental organisations and charities to protect animals and their environments.

We’re in a world where endangered wildlife needs our support more than ever; is it right that we should take from it without some recognition of its fundamental role in the commercial success of brands? After all, we’re the ones who are destroying habitats and driving extinction.

This is why Barry M created WILDLIFE®, a beauty brand where every product sold provides a donation to the animal it champions.

This simple idea is one of the many reasons we chose to work with David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. In the same way as DSWF, Barry M’s WILDLIFE® products will now champion and give back to the animals they feature:

“I set up my foundation with the sole purpose of giving something back to the animals that helped me achieve success as an artist. At a time when the world’s wildlife is under such devastating pressure from expanding human populations and the illegal trade, it seems fitting that we take a step back and reflect on the sheer beauty and diversity of our natural world and what could be lost if we do not truly appreciate the value of the world around us.”     – David Shepherd

With Barry M’s WILDLIFE® trademark, our key aim is to publicise the fact that the animals that inspire us, all deserve recognition – and they need our help. Barry M has always been a cruelty-free brand, with animal welfare held close to our hearts. We hope this is a new and meaningful way to do something positive for the natural world we love.

WILDLIFE®, with its very prominent ® symbol, is a Barry M trademark. But we’d like to share it with others wishing to demonstrate their love of wildlife, and who believe in the simple idea of giving back to nature.

Barry M’s WILDLIFE® collection exclusively available from Superdrug stores and at from  9th October 2019.